
Mt. Everest, taken from a helicopter flight to Chepuwa (March, 2015)

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Ke Garne? (What to do?)

In my Nepali language classes, we are currently studying the Nepal wilderness. We learn about the forest, animals, bugs, etc. The community assignment for this chapter includes a trip to the zoo. However, I am learning even more about Nepal's wilderness in my own home.

While tackling the usual suspects (e.g. mosquitoes, geckos), I noticed a bug on our table. After killing and disposing of it, I noticed another... and another. Soon, it became very clear that the bugs were coming out of the table, boring holes through the wood. What?!? Not knowing what to do... I videotaped it. 

Afterwards, I sprayed insecticide in the holes. One little creature got caught halfway with his head at the hole opening. I couldn't quite live with him still in there but wasn't sure how to get him out. No worries, I remembered the good ol' scotch tape test for worms in med school and... voila! To all my medical friends, I promise the worm came from the table. =) 

After some consultation with Christine, our carpenter who built the table, and the internet, it appears these little creatures are powderpost beetles. Thankfully, they can cause some cosmetic damage, but not any extensive damage or further infestation. We're hoping their presence adds to the "distressed wood" look, rather than discourages future dinner guests. Ke garne

1 comment:

  1. Well, glad these friends were not there when I was Christine's guest last year.
